About Me, HELLO


Saturday, September 3, 2011


I am semi replacing this blog with a new one!

Check it out : BTW! 

I know you've been waiting. 
Tell me what you guys think!

Monday, August 29, 2011


So, i set myself a few new things to work on, since i have a good amount of time to spare.
I made my usual To-Do list, and set myself up on a mission to change my famous 'wall of fame'.
I wanted to have a fresh new look, and add new things to my wall.
I also found the time to DIY my last semester note book, and as you can see, that is the current book i am (going) to read.

Along with my DIY missions, i have also decided to start a new blog that will be more commercial. (I will post the link when i think your ready.)

Stay safe in this weather, but get going on your feet! DON"T BE LAZY!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011


  • pampering myself with a mask. (BURNS!)
  • sipping on green tea - serenity.
  • semi-regretting the bingefest i've been having. I blame it on the hormones. (Who am i kidding, i blame it on myself!)
  • having too much free time this semester, i am running out of things to do when bored.
  • staring at the stack of books that i plan toWILL read.
  • That's all...

Friday, August 19, 2011

pumped up kicks

As you can see, i finally found the time to makes some tweaks and adjustments here! It's not exactly what i have looking for, but it's still pretty enough to me. (whaddyah think?)

Along with that, i had to say goodbye to Batmac (my black macbook) and welcomed in a new MACBOOK PRO! (naming still in process).
Transferring everything is a bit of a hassle, but i like to think of it as spring cleaning.

Classes this semester is rather free. It's got it's pros and cons.. but it's good to get a little rest before internships and all that starts.

Currently listening to Lifehouse's new album, Smoke & Mirrors! THE HARDEST ALBUM TO DOWNLOAD. But, worth the hassle.

Okay, i am out of things to write. Back to watching Cougar Town, and movies in between.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


  • Blogging during holidays was a fail.
  • Back in Penang after 10 days, and it feels good.
  • Classes start tomorrow.
  • It's my last semester. (pinch me)
  • I am currently taking care of a sick dog + sick boyfriend.
  • I am excited... to start classes. (well, i'm not sure yet)
  • I need to get back on track to the gym. TWO MORE BABY!
  • Currently typing with my new macbook pro (name is still unknown)

    That's about it for now, i am exhausted and i am going to go munch my my dark chocolate cookie now.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


It is FINALLY the holidays!
After a long semester, it is a well needed break!

Getting back on track! Woo!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

let's fight gravity.

(photo courtesy of BASH NASH)

"Let it go"

You will always have that itch about things that bug you. I am definitely someone that has a hard time letting go of problems, issues... anything. I honestly HATE leaving things undone, i hate leaving things unsettles.. i hate floating matters.

I have learnt that you can't avoid everything. No matter what, problems with chase you, and it's just a matter of whether you learnt from it or not.

Why do we let go? Cause you feel that holding on to it wasn't of use, or that it was just not worth it, or maybe we just felt that it was for the better of the person.

Do you ever think about others? Or do you just do things for your own benefit?

What satisfaction is there when it comes to bringing people down? You're only making a fool of yourself. You're not seeking the good kind of attention.

Once you've let go, why look back?

Maybe i am not the right person to be saying this, for that i have been through a windmill of letting go, and holding back.
But, when you let go, don't look back with hate, look back with the memories you had. Don't twist the memories, because what will you have left but a bunch of lies?
Some people would say it's stupid, but i prefer to remember the good side of things, i appreciate all that has come my way.

Lies about me have come and go, i have been called every name possible, my story has been twisted and deceived. I have become the monster of my past in the eyes of others... but i am proud to say, i have to say that it did not bring me down, but instead brought me up. To know that i can passed my past, and be here with a light heart, and shunned it all out, i have a achieved the hardest task in life.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

This week is going to be one hell of a week. In fact, i should be getting started with my assignments. But here i am procrastinating.

Currently on replay - "...go ahead and sell me out... don't underestimate the things i will do"
And, here is a beautiful cover by Chester (Linkin Park). Heavenly.

Sippin' on some Justea, watching the Clash of the Titans now. Missing my family bucket loads.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Currently i am:

  • Struggling with my laptop. (The keyboard/trackpad is dying on me)
  • Finishing final assignments.
  • Preparing Procrastinating to study for exams.
  • Going to be laptop-less after today.
  • Missing my tumblr world. (and spacing the around in internet finds!)
So, i guess you wont be seeing anything here in a while! Aurevoir!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Buck buck!

I would spend endless hours in starbucks chatting about life and the latest gossips of the people we know. With our signature Toffee Nut drink in hand, she has never failed to suprise me!
I miss you, Jen Khoo! Come back quick!

After coming across a sweet message from a dear friend, i just had to write a post about her.

I just have to spread the news about this amazing girl.
I have known for about 3 years or so, and to watch her grow from a girl to a woman is just breath taking. She really is such an inspiration.

This girl has taken a new stand in our generation, and is doing something about it.
Participating in community services such as the Penang Animal Sanctuary Society, and really pouring her heart into it, it's really great.

Especially in our generation and at our age, it is hard to find those who will put aside some time, and do what you do Jen! You are really growing to be such a beautiful woman with such a big heart!

She is currently selling handmade bracelets to raise funds for the homeless/abused animals! Please do contact her if you are interested! (click here)

This is just a preview of the bracelets she is selling! Pretty aren't they!

She is currently living in New Zealand, but doing all of this work from there.
Everyone should aspire to be as big hearted as this girl is!
Keep it up, you're doing so great!

Monday, June 6, 2011


It's been so long since i wrote my last postcard.. probably about 6 months ago?
But here i am, writing a few to send off tomorrow.

I was introduced to Postcrossing 700 days ago. (no, my memory isn't that good, the site is just that specific.) The concept is pretty simple - you send a postcard to a random address, which is given to you, and then you receive a postcard in return.

I have to say, there is a nice kind of thrill that comes when you open the mail box, and see a postcard lying on-top of all those bills.

So, if you've got some spare time, or if you're in need of a boost from all that stress. Postcross!

In a way, it's like the world travels to you, rather than you travel the world.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

.. Let's talk about me!

So i've been itching to blog for the passed few days, but got distracted in other directions, and couldn't really think of anything to write about. And just now, i had an idea. Why not talk about ME. All i ever do is talk about things unrelated to me, complain, and brag about different things.

On the first day of school, whether it's in english class, or in homeroom, we're always told to write a short ABOUT ME. And i remember always starting with "My name is Simone, and i am half-french, half-thai" - i thought it was the most interesting thing about me, other then that i would freeze for over 10 minutes, thinking... what's there to say about me? Being a 10 year old, i would go on about my dad being a chef, my constant moving to different countries.. and into the teenage years, i would talk about my dream of working in a magazine company. (that, i still want to do). But here i am, at 20. Ready to write a complete ABOUT ME.
here goes;


My name is Simone Camy, yes, we know that.
I am your ordinary teenage(i still count being 20, a teenager) girl, i go through the same thing every girl goes through in life. I don't have a special power, or deep story.
Infact, in the eyes of most of my friends, i am the party-pooper, the 'mother' of the g
roups, or anything else that relates to not being as exciting as a teenager should be. There is a reason for it, and i am not proud of it, but i am proud to have become who i am now. I mean, yeah, i would love to throw my arms up, and be so carefree. But, i am have a blast in my life even being careful.

As for all girls, i have been through a best friend breakup, betrayal, and everything possible has probably been thrown at me, and a few years ago, the worst. But, that is when i woke up. I depended so much on people, i have always been the kind of person that wants to comfort of people around me. And, i was brought to a point, where i was left with no-one to turn to, nothing left, and i realized, it was time to depend on me, on myself. I am in control of my own choices, my own life.

When i picked myself up, i ran into so many opportunities, and my family was my biggest comfort group.
I am a high school failure, i flunked every subject except for French and English, and i was not able to get into any college until i did a crash course, in order to get to where i wanted to be. Man, high school, i was so confident, and so carefree, i didn't realize the opportunities i had crushed on my own. The pain i made my parents go through, having to see the look on their faces when i failed all my subjects. But, they still gave me a chance. And now, i am trying my best to make up for it. I will make the proud, and not take this chance for granted.

I wouldn't call myself the perfect person, i have so many flaws it's uncountable, but i do have a great family, a boyfriend who relates, has been through the same struggles and the support we have for each other is strong. I have been given the chance to do so many great things, somedays, i still take it for granted, but today i finally realized, I am lucky.

So, my name is Simone Camy, i am a striving college student, in dreams of working for a magazine company one day, i am you're average teenager addicted to the internet, music junkie and trying to adapt to a healthy lifestyle. ( at the rate i'm going, i might even be a gym junkie).
I don't know where i will be in 10 years, or even next year, but where ever i am, i know it'll all be for the best.

This is a little about me.

Now, i wonder what my 6th grade teacher would've thought of this as my ABOUT ME paragraph!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Mid-sem break!

FINALLY, here comes a good break. It is definitely well needed.
After such a big hassle in studying for the law mid-term, ooooh it is so good to be lazy for just a moment.

I have so many things planned for this holiday, and i am diving right in.
Time to catch up on series, but also it's no excuse to throw away all the efforts.
I am on a mission, and it will be goood.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Currently listening: In Sleep by Lissie

Thoughts: The simplicities of life.

The world is not a complicated and horrible are we perceive it to be. There is always a light towards the dark. Despite all problems we face, eventually we stand up and think, ‘hey, it wasn’t so bad after all’. We meet people, we loose people and we learn from those people.

Every mistake we make is just another step into growing.

Monday, April 25, 2011


I'm sure at any point of life, you have been offered a joint, or something heavier.
It's a teenage cycle.
But were you able to say no? Or did you just go with it?

As a teenager, the thought of drugs is FUN... SATISFYING...RELAXING?
I guess to some people it is, but i mean, did you know that if you have 800 joints in your entire lifetime, you could die from carbon monoxide poisoning.
And now i bet your thinking.. "pfffft, as if it's possible to smoke 800 joints ever!"

But, if you have a joint a day, for about 2 years, that's about 800 joints.. so it's not that impossible.

Majaruna speeds your heart up by 50% in the process of being 'high'. That's about equivalent to running for about an hour on the treadmill. Tell me, which is healthier?

Yeah, blah blah blah.. facts facts.. But you know, these facts are important when it comes to the future. Nobody ever thinks of the future when they pop a pill, or smoke a joint.
The only thought is.. FUN.

Some say drugs are a form of 'happiness'. But, maybe this is because your not open to seeking things that make you happy sans drugs.
Drugs are not the escape for happy things, it's the escape for a sad soul in search of something they can't find in a clear state of mind.

I have been brought down for saying no to smoking joints with friends. I have been called lame.. a looser. Anything you want to say. Sure, the beat down makes it tempting to smoke a joint and please everyone around me, so that the teasing would stop. I did this once, and i am not proud of it. But i learnt from it, and i know how to say NO.

NO - it's the hardest word a teenager could learn to say.

Don't let the people around you, cave you in to doing something you don't want to do.

People may read this and think i'm wrong, and some might agree with me. But this is my thoughts, my own way of life.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Lions Roar!

I keep running in and out of my blog. Never really stay scheduled with my posts. Then again, i don't have things to talk about EVERYDAY. Well, i probably do, but i choose not to.

Things have been running good. From work, my relationships, and myself.
I think i'm finally growing up.. (in a sense) and it is not so bad.
I mean yes, there are a lot of big obstacles that need to be faced, but there are also alot of ways to overcome them.

It's crazy thinking about the future, but it is bright.
And, i finally know what i want to do... And i'm going to do it bigger then i imagined.
Thanks to my friend/boss Joy, i've learnt a whole new side of things in just a few hours of chit chat. Life IS about taking chances. I've been overly cautious, and calculative on risks, but with every risk there is a way.

I guess that's all for now, i have decided to make this blog less personal ( in a sense) and going to start focusing on a new concept. Just hold on, i still have a few things to sort.

Also, deleting past posts for that i am not that comfortable that people go through my past, and well.. the past is the past. It's moving out now.

Sunday, March 13, 2011



For once, i am having the urge to blog.
Okay, maybe this isn't the first time, but hey!

I am currently trying to write out notes for my exam tomorrow.
But as usual, i am procrastinating.

Time is running out, but i am not racing with it... just going to go along with the ride and see where it takes me.
I can't wait to see what the future holds for me.

This semester has been a joy ride.. I have stayed out of drama, i have enjoyed my work, i have started work, and i have built that wall that a friend once told me to build.
Everyone is somehow an enemy, one way or another.

I should get back to my agenda for today.
Let's hope it works out!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Slow Dancing.

Short semesters are one hell of a whirlpool. 14 weeks of work, squeezed into 7 weeks.

But i am content.
So far, i've avoiding any drama, gone my own way, and did my own things. And i am geniuinly happy. Though, there is SOME dissatisfaction within me over certain situations, i am content with the fact that i want to stay silent.

Silence is the best weapon. It is really the best revenge.

Why bother with jealously? hate? status? money?

We all have our individual issues.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


It is said that letting everything out will help with stress... whether in the form of writing, talking, crying... i am going to write.
Talking does me no good, and crying makes my eyes sore and puffy the next morning. We don't want that.

It's not good to be stressed, so here i am attempting to spread my head of stress.
SHORT SEMESTERS - the ultimate stress magnet.
Everything is faster, deadlines are double. It's a headspin i must say.

But it's not like i'm going anything about it. I'm only thinking about it and it stresses me out. I know i should be DOING the work, but i am currently waiting for my laptop to update and clear up so that photoshop wont hang so much.

As much as i am enjoying the subjects today, it is a handful when it comes to assignments.
With a new teacher that has standards all over the place, and a teacher that has HIGH standards within a very limited time. She is also bias i might add. But heck, this semester i want to find no faults.

I really wonder how those girls can do it good. Keeping everything neat AND dealing with the stress. I wonder. Does my time pass differently then theres. Maybe it's me, i do procrastinate.
Facebook is a horrible network. But, just absolutely addictive.
I've been able to stay off more then usual, so that is an up point.

Ok, computer has updated and i am off to bed. I just can't crack anymore into my head.

If you'd be kind enough to shoot me, i'd appriciate it.
(i wish i had nathan's power)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's about time...

i am in love with TIE-DYE shiiiiz.

Yes, i never thought about it earlier, but i think it's about time i start writing again.
Properly that is. Not just set out rants on my pathetic teenage oriented problems.
I want to write.

About what? I have yet to figure that out. But, maybe i should start an ASK. Where people ask my questions on life. Perhaps?
I've always wanted to be in the magazine line. Not just cause of the awesome cubical and deadlines. (yes, i love deadlines) but the fashion, the photos, the creative write ups, and finding new an exciting things... (musicians, artists, movies.. all!) It's all a pixy dream to me.

Magazines have been filled with just way to many advertisements. And it's no longer worth it's money.

Yes, i am in fact having one of those inspiring moments. But that's because i'm in the middle of studying my photography notes, which is a complete fail.
(not going to rant.)

Yes, i want to be more involved online. Maybe anonymous from everyone i actually know. I'm not found of raying attention things i do. But since this is my personal blog, i shall ray on my current strike of inspiration.

Now, i need to read some books.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


hanging with my hippo!

Currently abosolutely in love with;

  • Misfits! (waiting on season3, please and thank you)
  • Baking... soon.
  • DIYing shirts
  • Notebooks
  • Tourqoiuse/Purple (that hasn't changed)
  • attempting to workout and be 50kg. Yes, ATTEMPTING.
  • Tumblr! It is better than facebook. yes, it is.
  • Strawberry Lemon from Bystore!
  • Jessie J. (who is now on the radio, HELLS YEAH!)
  • my boyfriend and his patience with me.

Hippo and i, over and out!


Things are going to be okay!
Yes, they are.

Today, i realized that things really do happen for a reason.
We go through tough times in order to reach that happy side of things. Not everything goes through a whirl of colour. There is alot of black and whites in the process of things.

Things are getting better, and it's great.

Now, i am on midterm break! I guess short semesters are REALLY short. Feels like i've been in college for 2 weeks, and now it's a break and exams the next. I need to catch up on myself.
Sort myself out, and get started.

YEAH. that's all for now.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Downfall.

So, it's been awhile since i blogged, and i suddenly had the urge to say hello.
My blog must me a whirlpool of emotion. Sometimes happy, most times emo since i use this place to vent out exactly how i feel.

today, it's going to be a good post. Because i am done being sad, miserable and everything that turns me down!
It's time to be positive. (I don't know how long this will last, but let's hope it sticks longer then usual!)

Currently sitting in college freezing my arse off, who knows WHY i'm sitting infront of an air-conditioned room, with the door open at my feet. NOW IT"S CLOSED. yey.

The new semester is rather interesting. I am enjoying it. I am content with everything happening around me.
I have learnt how to FUCK IT, this time around. Yes, to not give a shit about anything small that comes my way. Whether it's a friend making a face, or the college making my stay here a hassle. FUCK-IT.
I started the year caring too much, then it learnt from a little someone, that i now miss having around!
No one cares if your miserable, so might as well be HAPPY!
That's life.

Okay, maybe i should study for my CB quiz, this is going to be a bummer!