About Me, HELLO


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

come together.

So here i am again... PROCRASTINATING.
Yes.. I do that best.

I have a fuck load of assignments that i keep pushing off.
I need NEED to get it doooone.
Slowly, but surely i guess.
Okay.. yes.. I will get them done.

I just feel like complaining.
And this is a de-stress place.

Okay, i'm hungry.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Don't you just hate having unsettled feelings?
Like... this odd feeling just lingering inside as if something is wrong, but you avoid it... til it hits.
And sometimes, it hits at the oddest times.
You try to be happy, but then.... it becomes impossible.

I hate having to deal with problems, i shoo them off.. just like everyone else.
But, i also hate avoiding and pretending like everything is okay when it's not.

I hate sleeping knowing that there is a problem going.

If your reading this... listen to heartbreak warfare by john mayer from 3.05 onwards.

I think Battle Studies does all the talking for me.
When i'm in this mood, it fills the gaps.

Now, another sleepless night ahead of me.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Get off my chest.

Yes, maybe i do say sorry a lot. Whether it's because i accidently walked into you, or did some clumsy move. Ha.

But, i am just thinking of someone right now.
And how sorry i am that i lost that person. Yes, i put myself first, and lost this person.
I probably hurt you.
And we'll probably never be the same kinda friends again, but i knew that before i did what i did.
In fact, before that... i already felt the drift.

Maybe i should stop denying and be straight up.

But then... where were you when i needed you the most?
You vanished.
You judged me... you turned your back on me.. yet i'm still sorry for what i did.

Truth be told, we're nobody to each other.. pretending that we're somebody.

Okay, procrastination.


i hate that i can't seem to focus on doing my work. I am sleepy all the time, and i feel so restless sometimes. I miss being energy-techtiful.
i'm trying to get balanced.
so far, it's working.
juggling school, work and the boyfriend... so far, it's balanced. (way more than before atleast)

but, college assignments this semester seem more like a burden.
in fact... this whole semester feels like a burden.
time to excite things people!

So, i was going to go for a jog. (FINALLY, i have done SOME exercise lately)
But, for the past two days, i kinda skipped that.
it's the time of the month... i guess that's a good reason.

I am SUPPOSE to be doing some editing for the articles. But... as you can see... this blog post is posted up... which means i am procrastinating.
I was going to nap.... but it's 8.35pm... so i think napping is bad idea.

Okay, now i feel like posting something serious.