About Me, HELLO


Monday, May 30, 2011

Mid-sem break!

FINALLY, here comes a good break. It is definitely well needed.
After such a big hassle in studying for the law mid-term, ooooh it is so good to be lazy for just a moment.

I have so many things planned for this holiday, and i am diving right in.
Time to catch up on series, but also it's no excuse to throw away all the efforts.
I am on a mission, and it will be goood.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Currently listening: In Sleep by Lissie

Thoughts: The simplicities of life.

The world is not a complicated and horrible are we perceive it to be. There is always a light towards the dark. Despite all problems we face, eventually we stand up and think, ‘hey, it wasn’t so bad after all’. We meet people, we loose people and we learn from those people.

Every mistake we make is just another step into growing.