About Me, HELLO


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Yes, i'm in a good mood.
It's been awhile since i've been POSITIVE.
So i think it's about time i do so.
Yes, everyone has their ups and downs, there's doubt in that. That's life.
But, i've come to a point of realization that i don't notice the beauty and special-ness of everything around us.

Maybe this positivity will be in me for just a moment, but that doesn't matter.
I am happy.

I love my friends, despite our bad mood-ed days, and heart aches that cause us to be distant some days, i love their company. I have lost certain friends over a certain situation, but the friends that stuck with me and supported me through out the difficulty i went through, those were real friends.
Names don't need to be specified, cause they know who they are. :)

I love my job. Yes, i work on weekends, and some may consider that LIFELESS, but heck.. I am lovin' every moment of it. I have learnt more then i ever expected. And, i have a kick-ass boss not to mention.
Yes, maybe i can't go to church anymore cause of my job, but.. i feel like it's okay. And if people decide to look down on me for that, then fine with me. I am content with what i am doing, and i still have my faith. So judge.

Today, my car is sold. The beautiful BMW that i have grown up with. The ultimate car. It's sold.. and yes, my heart does hurt. But i am looking on the bright side.. Maybe it's time to change. Time to let go.. time to look forward.


Okay, i'm done.
Lazy to type. Back to my PR assignemt.

Holiday, please roll in fast.

I miss you, BetulBerger.

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